Webinar: Is Your Parish Doing All It Can To Make Giving Easy?

Some of the most potentially awkward moments of your Sunday morning service probably center around the offering, and the task of talking to your parishioners about GIVING can be a challenge for church leaders.
Most people in your parish not only want to give to your church but feel as though God has called them to do so.
Instead of presenting giving as an obligation, make it about joining the story of what your parish is doing through giving. And then, make it as easy as possible for your parishioners to give.


View this on-demand webinar as we discuss how to make giving easy at your parish and diocese and:
- The many digital options you have for your parishioners, the more likely they are to give.
- The benefits of recurring giving.
- Using customizable forms on your website for easy access for your parishioners to give online.
Making giving easy will not only make your parishioners eager to join in what's happening through giving, but it will also encourage them to want to do it again and again.
Watch the webinar today!
- Jason Smith, Giving Success Coach, ParishSOFT
- Stephannie Suddendorf, Giving Success Coach, ParishSOFT