Encourage Online Giving with These 5 Tips

With over 75% of people preferring to make payments online via credit card, debit card, or eCheck (ACH), it makes sense they want to tithe the same way. Jumping on a home computer or smartphone is a familiar experience when managing money. It’s convenient and secure, and giving to the parish online is no different. Even with the obvious benefits of online giving, some people are still on the fence about it. Donors that want to give in a moment of inspiration or while balancing their bank account can be deterred if they think the process is confusing, time-consuming, or not secure enough.

It’s up to the parish to educate people on why online giving is the right solution. Here are 5 tips to encourage online gifts and spread the word.

1. Emphasize online security

Many people think twice before submitting payment information online. Before doing so, they want to know more about the quality of online security.

Emphasize that ParishSOFT Giving meets the payment card industry’s strictest security standard, and we’re a Level 1 Certified PCI Compliant Service Provider. Remind donors that we treat your sensitive information with the utmost respect and put the highest security measures in place.

2. Use email and pamphlets to talk about online giving

Some donors don’t use online giving options merely because they aren’t sure where to go and what the process entails. By including information about online giving in an email or pamphlet, people have a place to reference when they’re ready to give. A simple tutorial including the link to your donation page steps to finalize a gift and a list of giving options like mobile and text inspires new contributions.

3. Link giving options to your email signature

By including a link to your donation page in email signatures, you make it easy to take those next steps. Beyond being a quick way to locate the donation page and submit a gift, the email signature can serve as a friendly (and subtle) reminder that you don’t have to be attending a service to give. After all, 67% of giving happens outside of Sunday!

4. Customize online giving pages

Over 50% of donors are more likely to give a second time when their first gift was completed on a branded giving page. In fact, customized giving pages are 7x more effective than generic ones. By surrounding the donor with a more personalized online giving experience, you build trust and expand the parish’s brand.

5. Implement giving kiosks

Because we’re creatures of habit, it’s difficult for people to give online if they’ve never done it before—even if it’s easier. Help ease them into it by incorporating kiosks for special events and Sunday mass. Have a friendly volunteer or employee of the parish set up a post at the giving kiosk. That way, they can answer questions about the different options for online giving and show people how to use them.

Contact us today to learn more about ParishSOFT Giving’s online giving features by calling 866-930-4774 x6 or contacting our sales team online with your questions.  We look forward to hearing from you!

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