Your Ultimate Back-to-Church Checklist

Child waiting to go to Catholic School

For many, fall is the season of fresh beginnings. Millions of families relocate to new communities, kids go back-to-school, and seats fill up at Sunday mass as people return from vacations. Last August, not only did attendance grow, but online giving increased 9% as well. To help you prepare for the uptick in attendance and giving, we’ve created the ultimate back-to-church checklist!

Collect new visitor contact information

Because so many people relocate in the summer, churches can expect to see a lot of new faces. New visitor retention rate is highest when you reach out within 48 hours, so collecting contact information is vital. Here are a few simple ways to obtain contact information:

  • Contact cards in welcome packets
  • Sign-up stations with giving kiosks
  • Buckets for business cards
  • Encouraging text or online gifts as small as $1

Plan a back-to-school outreach event

The 4th highest day for parish attendance and participation is a special event. A back-to-school outreach event not only inspires the community to come together, but it also helps local schools and children. Here’s a quick rundown of how to plan the event:

  • Choose a theme
  • Choose a date, time, and place
  • Set your budget
  • Recruit volunteers
  • Invite guests using multiple outlets, like email and social media
  • Include information about your giving platform to inspire gifts
  • Organize event set up and breakdown
  • Thank everyone for coming

Spread the word about online giving options

Throughout the fall and leading into the biggest giving season of the year, be sure you’re spreading the word about online giving. Many people don’t give online merely because they don’t know you have the option available, or that is incredibly easy to sign up. Here are a few tips to help:

  • Engage with givers about the ways they can give through your website, social media, email and text
  • Post the options on bulletin boards and any place that your parish has a presence. Include links to help them easily navigate
  • Show people how simple giving online is, so there’s no excuse
  • Share a slide before service or during your offering with instructions for how to give by text
  • Talk about giving during sermons and other live events like a fall festival

Ignite giving and membership all fall long!

A single event or service doesn’t define fall. It’s a time of new beginnings, and you can ignite giving and membership all season long. Here are a few ways to keep your parish inspired:

  • Stay active on social media with images showing the impact of giving
  • Have a clear way for people to get involved, whether through volunteer work or donations
  • Connect and share with parishioners via email newsletter
  • Continue sharing the ways to give and how to give
  • Get active in the community with your parish  family by volunteering at soup kitchens or signing up for a charity walk

For more helpful resources and how our church management, accounting, and giving software can further ministry at your parish, contact us at 866-930-4774 x6 or

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