We are now in the middle of the summer and churches across the U.S. prepare for the dip in attendance that occurs in peak vacation months. Unfortunately, these empty seats often result in a decline in giving as well. While the summer slump is a challenge, there’s one statistic that offers a solution to the decrease in gifts.
Last year, online giving averaged a 7.5% year-over-year increase in June and July. Even in the summer months when donations are expected to be down, online giving grew. By making online giving features easily accessible, people donate whether they’re on vacation, at home, or at mass. Here are a few more reasons why you shouldn’t ignore the fact that online giving was up last summer.
Mobile giving makes
21% of all transactions
Mobile giving is at an all-time high and it’s no wonder with 77% of people
owning a smartphone. In the summer, people take their mobile device with them
everywhere they travel. Give them the chance to donate when inspiration strikes
using a mobile giving app, and you’ll see gifts from parishioners even when
they can’t attend mass.
If you’re worried that parishioners aren’t comfortable giving a mobile payment, know that 46% of smartphone owners pay bills via mobile apps. The key is using an online giving platform like ParishSOFT Giving that conforms to the highest set of security standards for card payments.
Text messages are the
most popular smartphone feature
Beyond a mobile giving app, offer parishioners text giving. Ninety-seven
percent of smartphone owners say text messages are their favorite feature. Text
messaging is a fast way to reach parishioners and perfect for people on the go.
Donors give within seconds, and the set-up is simple.
The average text gift is $107, so results can be significant even if just a handful of people use this digital giving option. It’s never too late to share with your parish the steps to sign up for text giving.
Over 84% of U.S.
households own a computer
Everyday tasks are made more convenient with over 84% of U.S. households
owning a computer. All it takes is a quick online search to find out what to
make for dinner or get directions. People have grown accustomed to the ease of
being able to check boxes off online like shopping and paying bills – and
giving to your parish is no different. Branded donation pages are a proven way
to increase giving and easy to add to the parish’s website.
For some, giving to the parish is better remembered when sitting down to pay bills at the family computer. For others, inspiration ignites while spending time online looking at photos of mission trips and reading an email from the parish. With a branded donation page, people continue to tithe consistently (even if attendance at mass isn’t as steady in the summer).
Increase online giving this summer by providing multiple ways to give! Contact us today at 866-930-4774 x6 or online at parishsoft.com/about/contact-us to learn more.